Covid 19

We put the safety of our guests and our teams first and foremost. Come see the changes we have made to keep everyone safe while you enjoy the variety and value at Golden Corral.

Here are just a few of the things we have done to ensure your safety while dining with us:

  • Disposable glove stations so the Buffet is now touch-less.
  • face masks are required by all persons at the food bars.
  • plexiglass and social distancing are in place.
  • testing of every team member daily before starting their shift.
  • diligent and frequent sanitizing of all surfaces.

We offer to your table food delivery should you prefer not to go to the food bars yourself, or if unable to wear a mask. Our Curbside service allows you to call us or order on-line your favorite Golden Corral comfort foods, and we will bring your food to your car window, with no need to come inside. Better yet, have your food delivered by ordering on-line at; we have most all your favorites available on-line for fast delivery.

Here is a more complete list of our steps taken to make your visit with us as safe as is possible:

  1. All enhanced cleanliness and sanitation procedures in place.  GC standards supersede any local or state ordinances.
  2. Wellness / Temperature checks remain in place for all Managers and Co-workers until they are vaccinated.  Tracking of vaccinations in place to ensure compliance.
  3. Social Distancing measures in place, including floor markers and table spacing.
  4. All Guests must wear a mask when not seated at their table, where required by state and local mandates.
  5. All Managers and Co-workers must wear masks and gloves as per GC standards at all locations.
  6. Register operators/Cashiers do not dispense beverages, or handle dishes/silverware while handling money without proper washing and sanitizing of hands.
  7. Self-serve beverage stations must be suspended where self-serve is not allowed.
  8. Sanitation stations are present at each food bar so that all Guests can sanitize hands upon entry into the buffet area.
  9. Plate stations removed from dining rooms and plates provided to Guests by Food Bar Attendants or Servers.
  10. Gloves readily available for Guests at the buffet.  Napkin dispensers or deli tissue dispensers placed throughout the food bars to further ensure No Touch experience.
  11. Trash cans placed throughout for disposal of gloves and tissues to ensure one-time use only.
  12. All utensils from all products in all food bars changed out constantly.
  13. Server will inform Guests of procedures for No Touch self-service at table introduction.
  14. No condiments kept on tabletops, only a napkin dispenser if allowed by your municipality.  All condiments are stored at Server station and are sanitized and disinfected between each use.
  15. Tables, chairs, and napkin dispensers are sanitized and disinfected properly between each use.
  16. We will provide service to the table as requested by any Guest.
  17. Attendants throughout the food bars will ensure all Guests adhere to sanitation protocols.
  18. All chocolate fountain items pre-dipped and displayed by a bakery Co-worker wearing gloves.

Please feel free to contact your local restaurant or reach us at, and we be happy to answer any questions you might have.

We look forward to seeing you soon.